My (Strobelati’s) Boundaries

Please keep in mind that these are mainly as a precaution and I have not experienced these things as of yet, this is for any future reference.

Things that are okay!

Character shipping. Strictly character Strobe, the cloud head being that I have made. As long as it is okay for the other being shipped with. Do not ship me as a real life person with anyoneFanart/cosplay/other creative works. Of me or any of my charactersBeing approached in public. Make it blatantly clear what you’re recognizing me from. I have immense social anxiety so please approach with gentleness. Wait or do not approach if I am preoccupiedSwooning or admiring. Only respectfullyProfile pictures. Of me or any of my characters. Not when engaging with drama. Just be sure to credit the artist if you’re using artStream clips/highlights. As long as clickbait is not used and it is not used in a disrespectful manner

Things that are NOT okay!

Sexualization. Please do not sexualize or make any sexual content of me or any of my charactersBabying me. I’m capable of making my own decisionsSearching for / spreading personal information. Please do not search for or speculate any personal information about me, including pictures of my face. If I do not state or reveal it, it is for my own personal comfort and safetyTouching me without my consent. Just ask. If I say no, I may not be comfortable with being touched at the moment and please respect thatDrama. Please do not involve me in any unnecessary drama. If I absolutely need to speak on it, I willComparison. Please do not compare me or my growth to others, whether it be in a positive or negative lightSpeaking for me. As said with drama; if I need to address it, I’m capable of doing so myselfReferring to me in a masc way. Being referred to as masculine in any sort of way makes me extremely uncomfortable. Please refer to me instead in a feminine or androgynous wayTaking pictures or videos of me irl without my consent or without permission. Same as with touching, just ask and if I say no please respect thatTalk of mortality / afterlife (in an irl sense). It’s a sensitive topic for me currently, as it leads me to have an existential crisis

Things that are NOT okay when it comes to my streams and chats

Spamming. I consider it to be annoying and I do like to read chat, spam prevents me from doing soBackseat gaming. If I need help with the game I am playing I will askBringing attention to weird things on stream, chat messages, or donos. Ignore it and move on.Traumadumping. Do not donate or put in chat anything triggering or anything that is a serious issue. Streamers are not professionals and it’s best to seek help from people that specialize in that field. Stay safe and don’t be afraid to reach out to professionals.Weight mention / fatphobia. Do not mention or make jokes about mine or another’s weight, especially if it’s in reference to being “big”